
马赛克手表以一丝不苟的态度精心制作,表盘上隐形镶嵌的宝石令人惊叹,精美的 18K 白金和密镶钻石表圈为其增色不少。表冠上镶嵌着一颗与之相匹配的珍贵凸圆形宝石,为这一令人着迷的作品增添了一抹华丽的色彩。几何形状与古典形状的和谐融合,造就了完美平衡的设计,捕捉到了女性魅力的精髓。
这款精美的手表配以奢华的皮革或丝绸表带,为您的造型锦上添花,并为您的任何场合增添一丝精致感。您可以从我们精美的 Mosaic 手表系列中选择石英机芯或自动机芯,根据个人喜好选择完美的计时体验。


Chase the rainbow with this bold timely statement, composed of fancy sapphires set in an infinite colour wheel. Graduating through shades of green, blue, lilac to pink and deep red, the magical palette adds a playful yet elegant touch to your everyday look. Expertly crafted in 18K white gold and complemented by a white leather watch strap.